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Krabber is an open-source dumb blogging platform powered by crabs.

No A.I.

We don't test on crabs, your trench is a chronological timeline. That means new molts first, then old molts from the crabs you follow. So, no getting lost in a echo chamber.

No data selling.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Bikini Bottom modernization effort, the Krusty Krab R&D dept. is able to provide this service for free without any need to sell data.

No invasion of privacy.

The only data collected is data that you share in the form of molts. There are no advertisers, trackers, mailing-lists, profile bios or other sneaky tactics. Data shared stays on the platform.


We encourage a welcoming environment and do not tolerate harassment or targeted misinformation.

"Democracy thrives in darkness of the trench" - Abraham Lincoln 1999

Top-tier hipster cred, welcome to dumb blogging.

Oh, you use X? That's so July 2023.

Don't show the world who you are.

Most social networks give you a profile picture, and short bio, then they sell your profile data in these shady data brokerage marketplaces. Krabber doesn't care to collect your information like that so enjoy not being able to customize at all.

Again, we're all crabs here...


From Krabberpedia, the free encyclopedia

Carcinisation (or carcinization) is an example of convergent evolution in which a crustacean evolves into a crab-like form from a non-crab-like form.

Supported by science.

Fact: You and everyone you love will eventually become a crab. No exceptions.

Sound good? Come join us among the Crabs.